Contact — James T. Snyder Law, PLLC
Personal Injury Attorney


Let’s talk.

If you or someone you know has been injured, call New York State personal injury lawyer Jim Snyder at 315-884-8888, or just complete and submit the online form, below.  Jim will personally contact you within 24 hours to discuss the incident, the injuries, and answer your questions free of charge.

Remember: submission of this form or calling does not bind or commit you, is free of charge and risk free.  And, if your question is about an injury caused by an automobile accident, motorcycle accident or construction accident, you have Jim Snyder’s “25 Percent Lawyer Fee Guarantee.”  Don’t pay more.    

Contact or call Jim today.

The use of this website for communications with the James T. Snyder Law, PLLC, law firm is non-binding and does not establish an attorney-client relationship.



4465 East Genesee, No. 255
Dewitt, New York 13214


24 Hours,
7 Days

☎ Contact

315-898-8696 (fax)